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About Me

I cannot remember life without skiing, but I can remember the happiness, the joy, the anticipation every time we were getting closer to the mountains as a child. I still feel the same anticipation. Seeing the mountains puts a smile on my face and I feel utter and true happiness. Like an inner calm. I think I must have been a snowflake in a previous life, I just feel like I naturally belong. Like my legs were made for skiing, my lungs made to breath the fresh air and my eyes made to enjoy the beauty of the scenery.


I have a few favourite spots in the world. Verbier in Switzerland. Niseko in Japan. La Grave in France. Temple Basin in New Zealand. But I also love every moment of skiing, and every moment has a different feel to it. Spring skiing in the north of Sweden, manchester groom in the early season in Norway, hiking for hours on the Haute Route with my best friends, teaching Chinese skiers on the slopes of Hokkaido,  reaching untouched colours in Georgia with Ukrainians, teaching my daughters to ski, washing off the dirt in an African refuge after skittouring in the Atlas. Skiing is fun, it is friends, family, beauty, freedom and passion. It is respect and sometimes it is pain and sadness. It is life.


I'm a passionate skier, with a quest to ski the world. 

I hope you want to join me on my journey!


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